IP address cannot be reached from my country
If your IP address can not be reached from your country, EDIS offers a free IP address change within 24 hours of purchase.
How to figure out if IP is blocked in your country
You ordered a new VPS, just received login credentials and figured out that your server’s IP address does not seem to be reachable from your country.
You can test whether your IP address can be reached from other countries. We recommend the KeyCDN pingtool for this particular purpose.
If the IP address assigned to your server works from other countries, but can not be reached from your ISP/network/country, EDIS offers the possibility of a free IP address change within 24 hours from the time of purchase.
Some countries (Turkmenistan, China, Iran, Vietnam, Russia, …) detect and block VPN after 1 or 2 hours of usage. Use “stealth mode” (openvpn + stunnel) or consider using v2ray (ideally behind an nginx reverse proxy) to avoid getting blocked.
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