Clean & Safe Shutdown (and Start)

You can trigger a shutdown with “shutdown -h now” or “halt” at the command prompt of your OS, followed by a “START” through the KVM management portal. This should be your preferred way to give your machine a clean cold-boot.

Start / Stop and Restart Buttons

If your service is currently in SHUTDOWN state, you can Start your VPS. Regardless of the current state, you always have the option to Restart your VPS.

If your service is currently in RUNNING state, you can Stop (Shutdown) your VPS. You always have the option to Restart your VPS.

Stop and Restart from a technical perspective

Both the Stop and Restart buttons terminate the hypervisor process which is managing your VPS. In addition, a Restart also initiates a fresh start of your virtual machine on a new hypervisor process. if you had a VNC/noVNC console open, you need to restart VNC/noVNC console too. Please always consider a clean shutdown through your operating system first!