Reporting Abuse
EDIS abuse department handles and responds to abuse notifications to stop abuse. Learn how to create an abuse report and where to send it to.
How to Correctly Report Abuse
EDIS abuse department is responsible for handling and responding to abuse notifications, and taking appropriate measures to stop abuse.
Where to submit abuse reports
If you notice that EDIS services are being used in a way that goes against their policies or any applicable law, please let them know by sending an abuse notification to abuse@eglobal.com. EDIS abuse department makes sure to act timely on all notifications it receives.
How to create an abuse report
Please include the following information in your report.
- Submit your notification in English language.
- To report abuse, please email abuse@edisglobal.com
- Do not send notifications from an address that can not be replied to (no-reply@)
- Include your name, address, telephone number and email address.
- All notifications must include the IP address where the reported content is located, or from where the conduct occurred, plus a timestamp including timezone. The IP address must be registered to EDIS GmbH or EDIS Global. (spam: mail-headers, timestamp, or a full spam mail as attachment)
- The notification should have a reference to a static URL where the content that is being reported can be accessed, or where the conduct occurred. This URL should be assigned to an IP address registered to EDIS GmbH or EDIS Global.
- Include one IP address per notification. If you would like to submit a notification for more than one IP address, please send multiple notifications.
- Please describe the content or behavior that you wish to report and explain why it is inappropriate, how it is infringing your rights, violating applicable law, netiquette or the terms of service.
- For trademark infringement notifications: Please include the registration details (including registration number) of the infringed trademark.
- If you believe your copyright has been infringed, please include a description of your work along with either a copy of the work or a web page address where the original content can be located.
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