Traffic (bandwidth)

Traffic vs Bandwidth


What is the difference between traffic and bandwidth?

Traffic and bandwidth describe different aspects of how data flows through a network.

Understanding Bandwidth

Bandwidth is the maximum amount of data that can flow through a network at any given moment. It’s measured in gigabits per second (Gbps) and tells you how much data can be sent or received at once. At EDIS Global, our host nodes have uplink port speeds of at least 2×1Gbps, and in some locations, even 2×10Gbps per host node.

Understanding Traffic

Traffic measures the total amount of data transmitted over time. This is typically the sum of traffic coming in (IN) and going out (OUT) of your VPS. Traffic is usually measured in gigabytes (GB) or terabytes (TB), and your plan includes a set amount of traffic each month.

Comparison with a Shared Water System

Bandwidth is like the diameter of a water pipe, determining the maximum amount of water (data) that can flow when the tap is fully open. Traffic is the actual amount of water used, varying daily based on your consumption (data usage throughout the month).

Internet traffic vs internet bandwidth
Bandwidth vs Traffic