Traffic Pool
Disable Auto Hydration
This endpoint disables auto hydration for a specified KVM VPS, setting the hydration limit to 0 GB.
The api_host
parameter, obtained from the ‘Create AUTH-session’ response, must be dynamically set in the URL.
Required Parameters:
- signature: The session signature obtained from the ‘Create AUTH-session’ call.
- kvm_id: The unique identifier of the KVM VPS.
- valid_until: The expiration timestamp for the session.
- config: A JSON object to disable auto hydration.
{"auto_hydration": 0}
Parameters required to disable auto hydration for a KVM VPS.
The session signature obtained from the 'Create AUTH-session' call.
The unique identifier of the KVM VPS.
The expiration timestamp for the session, obtained from the 'Create AUTH-session' call.
JSON object containing the auto hydration configuration.
Example: {"auto_hydration":0}
Disable auto hydration
Auto hydration disabled successfully.
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